Universal solution for quantitative real-time RT-PCR with probes in single tube with reference ROX dye.
Probe OneStep RT-qPCR kit, plus ROX solution
cat. no. E0813
/ Products / Transcription & Reverse Transcription / Reverse Transcription Chemicals & Kits / Probe OneStep RT-qPCR kit, plus ROX solution
cat. no. E0813
Universal solution for quantitative real-time RT-PCR with probes in single tube with reference ROX dye.
E0813-01 | 25 reactions | EUR | 34.00 | |
E0813-02 | 100 reactions | EUR | 128.00 |
EURX Sp. z o.o.
80-297 Gdańsk, ul. Przyrodników 3
Telefon: +48 58 524 06 97
Fax: +48 58 341 74 23
E-mail: sales@eurx.com.pl