Thermo T7 Transcription Kit with modified T7 RNA Polymerase for higher efficiency up to 50°C. Extremely useful for radioactive and nonradioactive labeling as well as for RNA synthesis in preparative scale.
- DNA-dependent RNA polymerase with stringent specificity for T7 phage promoters sequence (1) and increased thermostability. Activity range: 37-51°C.
- Ultrapure recombinant enzyme.
- Efficiently synthesizes in vitro transcripts from almost any DNA target located downstream from a T7 promoter (2).
- Suitable for preparing labeled single-stranded RNA probes of high specific activity (3).
- Transcripts can be used as hybridization probes, templates for in vitro translation, substrates in RNA processing systems, as well as for exon and intron mapping of genomic DNA.